lore: You were in a colony ship, searching the universe for a rock to call home after Earth was destroyed from a dwarf planet collision, a earth-ish moon orbiting a gas giant in the habital zone was found after a lot of searching, just needs terraforming
"And so time has frozen, the moon remains unterraformed(and my alternate reality in my scifi universe that this is in will never get to present(2104)) and humans will never evolve furhter.."
changed the numbering on the ship since 001 would be already dismantled to make colony lol
no commands?
it's one of the colony ships mentioned in the lore, plus it's unarmed
We got an alien defense space force now
anyway it's gonna appear now and then, random chance each command
also, the thing behind the engine is a FTL device, the thing the wire goes to that is solid insl is the core, not shown since when it unpauses it will make a strange glow on any display that makes photon glow and it also smudges due to the GLOW used in it when first opened
didn't have time to comment the credits for the engine used in the ship: ronansb for that bray trail maker, it's kinda cool tbh
uhh i did save to server is that bad?(technically it has the drilling colony but still)
nuclear power: