A screen filler that uses dray to infinitely duplicate itself in a single frame.
this almost does it there are just 300 pixels of empty space a very small amount
I don't count the edge as part of the "screen" that's being filled, since particles aren't allowed to be there. Would be very intrigued if someone found a way to fill that area too, though!
LogikMacherDE: technically if you press f once some dray gets past the edge so its possible to fill it in one frame
Very good, but I wonder how does it look so random? It only comes from 39 parts. +1
powderengineer if you're on pc you can press the f key once to advance one frame instead of unpausing
Wow this is so smol. One px of btry at the top left wouldn't go amiss tho
ahh nvm
it doesent work that often tho
for me it continuasly sparked over and over again and i lagged so much
powdered silicon