Welcome to the Neighborhood! Here you can rent the houses, just tell me which house you would like to rent and ill move your character in. Just make a seperate save and add furniture to your house or the outside, and ill add it to here! Enjoy your stay!
The_DASH: thanks, i like to be part of this project. Very interesting
h(ey you removed my weapon :(
if your gonna downvote, at least give a reason.
if i get enough people, then ill add another neighborhood.
House 5 isnt owned yet.
If yall wanna make stuff outside of the houses its fine by me, Ill probably add it too. Just make sure to show ID.
AverageAerospaceFan: sorry about that lol, Ill get it ready now.
@skomlyk: Better than I could make, also yes i realised it was the sofa. ( it looks amazing )
The_DASH: thanks, You realized that the red one is the sofa? Im not good at deco and maybe you not realized what is that
The_DASH: bro add mine (house 3)