23rd Oct 2024
21st January
The first in a hopefully long line of "InfiniFactories", factories without dray/cray, portals, clones or voids, yet which do not clog themselves permanently or require material input. Uses EMP but still has control electronics!
More than the reactions themselves, a LOT of time was spent on the electronics of this, mostly dodging the emp and storing information between emp cycles (ie, input heats a block, temp sensor reads as an output, but it only cools the block after the emp triggers)
Thanks. This was originally just going to be the first of its kind, infinite pqrt factory, based on a rotating set of seed crystals to avoid the dreaded tmp=-1 dead ends that make all other factories (eventually) fail.
This is VERY awesome.
added link to save id:3165434 with recipes
ends off screen right, sending boxes to warehouse
the infinite water rectangle towards the left basically
I would ask where it starts and ends but I can't even tell if it does either of those things
Sure, i will try to throw together a real quick explanation save
But this is way too much to comprehend that easily. There are just so many reaction / multiplication chambers for all sorts of stuff there.
Holy- This was probably made backwards right? BRMT + BREL = THRM. So where do I get BREL? SPRK on electronics + EMP = BREL. So how do I get electonics, BRMT and SPRK? And so on...