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11th October
12th October
This Zain weapon was made in a new Zain node. This is very powerful, of course.
zain weapon layering subframe


  • Jakav
    12th October
    I agree it's not an azure by that definition. What I mean is it uses Zain technology to do things that an azure would.
  • Desty
    12th October
    This also uses DRAY and CLNE. Anybody can make an extremely OP bomb if they can use infinite warp and gbmb. The tech is great but this isn't Azure.
  • Desty
    12th October
    I dislike the notion of this being an Azure. While Azure is subjective, generally indestructible elements are disallowed. This is disallowed under most Azure rules.
  • Jakav
    12th October
    Why was this voted down? Please give feedback! I'm not complaining that this was downvoted, just that I got no feedback!