Whole thing streamed live on twitch. No, Im not a doctor but this should be fairly realistic. Some things dont work right due to tpt logic, like water exploding when mixed with acid but whatever, I cant fix that. Shoutout to Soul5hadows for, uhhh... yea.
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JermolajewRublenko: Im just kidding, yea skbildee tolet was a joke save. It has more downvotes then this has upvotes, so its a win in my books.
JermolajewRublenko: dont diss skbildee tolet >:[
you do stuff like this and later? skbildee tolet
make realstic radiation effect to skin
What should I make next?
oh wait.. its hypodermis not exodermis, and subcutaneous tissue is the hypodermis
my bees ate the skin and then self destructed +1
nice. just where are the sweat glands and the exodermis? (No, i'm not a doctor) Still +1
For something that's more like a realistic interpretation, I would go without deco