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27th September
27th September
My sincerest apologies as I couldn't locate the original post of the CHEAT shell, and as such do not know the creators name. The armor shown is capable as turret or UFP armor, the GOO element provides extreme multihit protection from HEATFS rounds.
armor heatfs tank explosive shapedcharge


  • Otatopman
    6th November
    also gravity is meant to be off
  • Otatopman
    6th November
    *I am the original creator of Compressed High Explosive Anti Tank shells, I deleted the V1 version and replaced it with V2 which is much improved. I might post it for archiving, however the one that your using was created by sszymonek after copying my shell with credit.
  • sszymonekk
    11th October
    Base* (cts)
  • sszymonekk
    8th October
    at least give credit that you used my charge as a baso for yours
  • noobifiod
    27th September
    turn gravity off before posting
  • B-52_enjoyer
    27th September
    My apologies for not mentioning that the armor plates surrounding the armor package itself are not part of the armor package and are there simply to stop any molten metal or debris from hitting too far back.