BoneDevourer: Thanks for helping me make my most popular save as of now!
MeltedLawnFlamingo: Neither am i but it takes one google search to find out.
New one is out now! id:3157071, its a much larger and more detailed skin sample/sim, details in the save.
BoneDevourer: Im no doctor, and its hard to replicate those because of how TPT works. All the solutions are based around what worked for the "realistic" skin, so its not quite irl realistic. I will do a overhaul if that what you really want.
Third of all on acid burns you want cold running water, did you even research any of those?
First of all, you don't want cold water on a burn, you want lukewarm running water. Second of all sunscreen is not a fix but prevention to skin cancer, the "fix" would be an operation.
Frostbite is broken, please hold.