A experimental reactor that uses polonium to generate power. i created this as i havent seen anyone make one. due to the melting point of polonium it doesnt need a cooling system to prevent overheating and rests at about 250 C when active.
Check my version out it just looks cooler nothing else id:3148969
I think that polo should be mainly used as a preheater for more simple fusion reactors, or some chemical plants.
make a micro non layer no subframe deut-neut reactor! :D
I added wifi to the output that went to the release button and it only needed the polonium for like 5 seconds.
as an example id:2396223 is the most popular of all polo reactors. I made some myself too. One element I'd recommend is ptnm because it has almost the same melting point like ttan. Build it like this: 1 layer ptnm, 1 ttan. If you want to make the power controlable, you can build ttan rods and move them with pstn (tutorial: id:1382457). Also, crmc is transparent to neutrons so you can build the fuel rods out of it.
i didnt manage to find any polonium reactors when i was looking, i was gonna put a starter in if i make a better version and what would you recomend for the ttan switch of elements?
and ttan is deleting 1/6 of the neutrons that fall on it so I'll recommend to place some other element inbetween
you can also increase the melting point by typing elements.property(182,"HighTemperature",9999) into the console, and you can make polo last longer by setting it's tmp to a negative value. It'll not generate any neutrons at the start so you'll need a starter. Polo reactors are actually fully discovered in tpt.
em, there are a lot of polo reactors in tpt? It's not new