rocky, size 60x60, c1 dark red, c2 lighter red in small patches, c3 white (craters and mares like on the moon), thin, white atmosphere. (it is supposed to be a dwarf planet covered in nitrogen ice. the red is supposed to be tholins that form)
Can you use the second largest planet? id:2989350
create a planet have life and have City lights
Try making a rock planet but its random with entire moon sized chunk taken out of it :P
Gas giant, C1: Red. C2: Blue, Size: 60, 10 Bands. Other: 2 5x5 Rocky moons.
And also put 2 unique Size 20 moons at the left and right of Old Terra, machine moons, the left one called Luna, and the right one called Venera. There are also 4 Size 7 artificial moons, basically giant space stations.
Modify my planet, Old Terra, to basically put the city lights, dense, all over the barren parts of the continent, and the seas have faint glows of red from the High Spires all over them.