27th Aug 2024
23rd Nov 2024
I experimented with small fonts and that's what I've made. The real smallest font possible is 5px but 6px makes it more readable (doesn't really help but it's something).
welp check my font it's a font that uses type for more compressed visualization of the simplest cipher
Verycreativedude: the binary coded one is the same thing. binary:00001 = decimal:1 = A, 00010 = 2 = B, 00011 = 3 = C. It's just smaller. Your idea would use a lot of pixels per character. "Hello" would need 52px to write
call it Supermini Cipher
why not use the simplest cipher to create lines that correspond alphabetically by how many pixels are there (3 iron pixels is equal to c)
i could make a 0.00000425 pixel font
when are the half pixel fonts coming in general
i have an idea for 1px font. I mean, technically not font but idc.
_killer_: why not?
Let's just write everything in binary... xD