in that case... part 2 comming soon...
@penguinrules is right. This is nowhere near to 100%-ing powder toy, because, to 100% the game, you would need to make every possible save that could be created, and run every possible save as well. If John has a supercomputer that can run a save in only 1/100 of a second (although it doesn't matter), I estimate about 10^2193078 seconds to run this, or about 10^2193066 millennia. This is definitely a low estimate, and the true value is likely closer to 10^6579222 millennia, I guess.
(But this is very good +1)
Permanently & Whopping (at least, that's how I've always seen it) are spelled wrong + there is an empty space instead of colored iron +1
penguinrules:what do you mean by "save state"
Being conservative let's lower our estimate by 10^(500000), and we would still have some number of 10^(10^4), much larger than a few nonillion years, even assuming inhuman 1 state created each second
wait this does not factor in every possible save state, of which a naive estimate would be 231^(227105), or around 10^(536788) saves, without any form of stacking, deco, or any interaction whatsoever. Obviously, one could argue that prior states could bring one to a next state, in which case the minimum initial states would be less, but I think that the lack of deco and interactions could make up for it. Either way, john speedran tpt in 10 nonillion years, because the naive estimate would be far
that would be like 4 people
what if all tpt players try to do it at the same time