Here's a graphics card cooling contest! To win, you have to create your own cooling system! Put your save in the comments to participate!
Imagine: Wow... Really impressive and complex ! I would say that for the moment, in terms of complexity, you won !
RandomXD: Really impressive ! In terms of width, efficiency, your cooler is great !
k made one id:3154433
I made one! id:3154402
TheSingularity: Well, it's pretty well made! but all the pcb is broken in your save, it conducts electricity but if it was a Real one it would be impossible to use it. But, it's really well done! You're entry is valid
Just did, Aug 23
TheSingularity: Nice! Have you posted it?
EZ ID:3143651 Uses lithium supercooling to go below absolute zero, use the kelvin scale and sometimes it will be negative
Good luck to All! If you need any information, ask here!