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8th August
8th August
DRAY is the base of life, SING is the consumer and explodes into energy so life can cycle. DRAY matter is any matter that uses DRAY to self replicate. TESC lets more complex interactions happen.


  • TheSingularity
    8th August
    GEN2: CRAY ctype changed to VIRS.Organization appears, organisms line up in one of the 8 directions of each other to survive better because of DRAY. Most organisms have virus gas but I don't see a direct improvement because of it. Organisms using CRAY start to die out. Life with more DRAY seem to be better adapted.
  • TheSingularity
    8th August
    GEN1, DRAY mass being consumed by sing, sing dies and the electrons from the explosion bring DRAY mass alive again. Life cycle 1