Very good computational unit! fiber optics would love this!!!
Squaesh: I guess not, i just found this by myself but considering how old this game is, im not supprised this has been found before.
wait, was this not a widely known thing?
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Updates to testing saves will be marked in their comments.
Added a testing save. Its to test PHOT passing through walls and the slicing that happens because of it.
Added thickness demo. The bottom one isn't one way. If the PHOT goes through several, be warned that if they arent lined up correctly, the PHOT will be destroyed.
Also, if you put a wall of glass up vertically under the grid and shoot PHOT through, you get a population of PHOT that cycles through the wall multiple times before LIFE expires :o
I suppose box 3 has the correct speed to 'phase' through the grids; cool find! :D
Made a demonstration of its speed filter and "noise" (destroying filt). May try to improve it in the future.