hypergolic rubidium rocket free to use WITH CREDIT! just to note that the rubidium can soldifiy depending the environment like ambient heat
ErocTheFunn: thanks
awesome +1
Asterix_alt: huh that reminds me of my old powder toy account i got a new chromebook but it wouldn't let me get my account on the new chrome book so i had to make thiss account
IM BACK DUDE IM ASTERIX I HAVE AN ALT CUZ I GOT LOCKED OUT OF MY CHROMEBOOK (I'm on mobile now but it's in maintenance for my laptop so I'm not gonna post for a bit until it's fixed)
should i add a whole plane body?
yes i know it looks ugly (for now)
what should i make next?
It works perfectly fine
Miner34: its quite hard to make thrusters with good thrust with out fan, also rubidium doesnt give good thrust but im still using it for origality because its ment to be rubidium anyways
It has barely any trust