tpt logo creadit: 2758831, font: 1116333 :v (if you didn't know already)
well well well. seeing this on steam brought me back here after all these years. kinda fell off after creating my magnum opus living creature save. i hope this community continues to thrive and grow, this game was my childhood. now im about to go to college. how time flies by :')
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works for me
help_what_im_doing: Turn on resizeable window in settings
jacob1: for somereason and this commet is on steam my game is much smaller than the regular one that i have installed
jacob1: Thank you for your research
best level ever !
ok I did some more extensive and accurate testing. I can confirm there is no actual fps boost. It's the same. I wrote a script to measure average fps across specific numbers of frames, and there was a lot of confusing variance, but overall I didn't see the Steam version being higher today.
The mysterious fps boost can't be explained, but anyway the only real changes in this version are: Update check disabled. Install prompt disabled (ctrl+I shortcut remains). Shared data directory disabled, and "Migrate to shared data directory" option removed. Mod ID set to 15. Nothing else, and none of those affect fps. The only other difference is that the original 98.2 was compiled 2 months ago, but the Steam version was compiled last week.