Nuclear powered Piston engine. produces around 515,000,000,000 Horsepower per cylinder. (1cyl engine here). Uses nuclear combustion pressure to drive a piston like a conventional engine. technically 2 stroke w no intake.
works well! +1!
cWzzzzz: Do you want {[Milk And Cereal] :TM:} ?
+1 +FAV
I'll make a BETTER engine.
I'm COMPETING against you! :D
ok (cts)
raptorshark: sorry, i've been kinda struggling atm cuz i've gotten kicked out of where i was staying, the saves i've released have been some older projects and just developing the parts for the spaceships. i released a concept for a spaceship a little while ago but thought id develop the tech further in a fighter jet first. ill get onto that ship right now for you.
cWzzzzz: did you forget the spaceship you were working on? or are you just only local saving it until it's done?
no? i've modified it a few times but its a new concept i believe
its this reuppload?