High capacity lithium batteries designed for all uses. Free to use except for Cracker1000's battery charge unit (linked in the save) Now includes serialisation battery. $63,224 starting for standard, $552,992 starting for HICAPs
Jerehmia: Tbe LSNS is changing from 1 to 1024 when its charged. do you know why this is happening?
DriftKing: ha, i love coconuts
+1 + FAV
Please check ID:3116694 quickly! =)
The LITH has to touch the LSNS so you could place 8 LITH around 1 LSNS. Note that the FILT that tells the LSNS what life value to set has to be in range of the LSNS. You set the LSNS range with tmp2, and its tmp has to be 3 to put in it deserialization mode.
does it only do 1px of LITH per LSNS?
Jerehmia: Ah, i was going the opposite direction lmao, i was making the life value high, not low lmao
Check out id:2945417 for the LITH overcharge trick (+1)
Denderth: give us the sacred information
not 100% sure if thats what denderth is talking about