23rd May 2024
25th May 2024
Propulsion core complete with switches, battery system, data ports for engine pressure and temp. designed to deliver large amounts of thrust.
ID:3113922 for reproduction. Just thought it was funny
Like where there would normally just be pressure coming out, a neutrons stream emerged
cWzzzzz: I uhhh misclicked with SPRK somewhere in the engine core and it started streaming hundreds of neutrons out the back. also +1
okie, i pm'd you
ID:3113309 is my gift and my generator.
Also since you are helping me... you will have a special generator. I'll build it soon. =) +1 +Fav.
I want a city save. With electricity flowing through it and with my Tech. And a special reactor I'm making in it. Also I'll show you the reactor when it's done. Thank you very much.
if you need a hand jamming it into a ship and making it work you can send me the save id and i can set it up for ya. its free to use too :p
DriftKing: im happy to help, whats up?
Help! pls!