Live map of the current presidential election results. Map will update as long as I am awake. Please be civil in the comments and avoid using the comments to support your candidate. Data from the Associated Press.
AverageAerospaceFan:Release the seamoth swarm...
ThingamabobOverseer: nah we gotta drop one on 4546b aka kepler-456b, wonder whered the aurora crash
Vote ME for president and I will put the first goldfish on Proxima Centauri B
ohh nice map
MallardDuck: eh, DEUT with some PROT and NEUT sprinkles
will the US nationwide be brought back?
Trump has won the election. Anyways whats everyones favorite dessert?
i will make RSST illegal vote for me!!!
Vote for me, WHEN i win, everyone will get TPT for FREE!
If I win I will legalize DEST