Anyway this is absolutely better than the last one
You can add a background color as well, because irl there's gas and dust between stars and stuff
You can add nebulae. If you want them too look realistic, make them dim (assuming they are close enough that we can see details) and use colors of real elements (you can probably find something on wikipedia about what each element looks like when in a nebula) and take inspiration from real life counterparts. If you want them to look good, just use a bunch of bright colors, don't mix them too much and make sure it has darker areas in it.
Another thing, stars aren't placed randomly irl, there are zones with multiple stars close to each others, regions with high concentration, if it's not in an elliptical galaxy, you can even do lines on stars (like in the milky way) or other shapes (if the galaxy is irregular).
Well the planet has a visible edge on the left and the star looks like there's a sphere around, which is weird. Also, purple stars don't exists, so plasma isn't great for stars, I'd recomend DEUT with Life value above 1000, BRAY, or EMBR pixels.
I mean a bit, but not really. I was just trying to make something that looked cool :)
Is this supposed to be realistic? (not implying that it's not, just asking before I give feedback)