16th Mar 2024
19th January
I grew a QRTZ crystal. no deco
btw you can subframe "growful" (high tmp) quartz by eq explosives making a quartz bomb in process which i've done years before, but try
QRTZ color depends on tmp2 and there are other elements acting that way like rock or ceramic. I use quartz at first and then change it into sth new but already with this beautiful pattern.
If you wanna see quarts growing in action id:3094082
and creates this particular pattern you see
Because quartz grows when it has TMP
Actually this is very easy to do all you have to do is use the prop tool to set the quarts tMP higher
this is unfair it just got published and people already like it
1+ i dont know why i upvoted but this just looks like it takes alot of effort to do
I suppose while these are cool to look at, they also don't make for very interesting saves unfortunately so no upvote