credit for srb fuel id:2847889
dead save
@HandyF what do you mean?
Definitely one of my favourite saves. The only thing that I could think of changing would be the BCLN that spawns MORT and changing it to something like hydrogen/deuterium and/or NBLE.
pls remove sign "spark"
oop, my bad, sorry
@nobodyagain read desc
the user that made the fusion thruster also made a SRB, its purpouse was to be a SRB, but also be able to be printed via most printer saves
@nobodyagain my rockets don't even use fusion.
@nobodyagain, what are you talking about? 1. I have never heard nor been to that save, and 2. When I checked it just now, what?, it isnt even the same? What are you talking about?
copied, just look at the 'starlight' fusion thruster for whom it is from. (the smaller SRB is his design, with some explosives on top