A new crushing facility was built to service the main crosscut haulage level, and the first seam had been stoped through from the surface to the crosscut completely.
I just lost 2 hours of progress on a electric steam generator and it wasn't saved. :D
Zyxoin:FP has nothing to do with the mods,just the amount of votes/time
@angryBlock101 it's the mods that are randomly putting all his stuff on fp, he's got 4 saves on fp already. i swear the mods are biased
@zyx blame the algorthim
why is what's essentially the same save but with small differences doing on fp?? -1. also the creator made some creepy a** stuff
Yeah you also made wierd comments on it- like 30 of them.
the most popular save of this person had a hot girl
if you put explosives in the ground near the bottom it will melt the rock and make a magma chamber and breach the ground and erupt with chaos
can i use this idea?