Our troops will continue to hold there positions and rapid response forces will be launched to counter attack the beam nation troops in the south. Thay will attempt to minimise civilian casualties attack the forces of the beam nation and get supplies to the defenders if needed.
To destroy ports and launchpads.
Some of our artillery will aid in the defence of our southern regions while rest of it launches a bombardment on beams metro and other cities, the shots will use computers to be incredibly precise targeting defences and troop emplacements. The two ships already in space will join in the bombardment of the "Great" wall and the rest of our fleet's will be launced with
What happened to my orders?
We should repurpose some of our orbital bombardment craft and asteroid mining ships/equipment to take advantage of the enemy's virtually nonexistant military presence in orbit and capture, destroy, or otherwise incapacitate their satellites, with focus on their comms and surveillance satellites. Through all of our attacks, we should make sure to minimize civilian casualties and spread proaganda, reaffirming our moral high ground and ensuring total support from the on- and offworld population.
To totally ensure the homeland's security, we will have our hypersonic defence craft deployed both there and in Kilburn. The orbital attack craft we created are to be released from their hangars and sent to turn Beam's "Great wall" to rubble. With their considerable altitude they will be safe from the AA emplacements on the wall and will be able to rain down death from above with extreme swiftness, as to avoid the anti-munitions emplacements shooting down too much of our ordnance.
Our aircraft carriers and missile ships will launch their cruise missiles and deploy their aircraft. The rest of our fleet shall recapture the Hiyusk ship and take a defensive stance (defensive orders should automatically extend to dolos inc btw). A specialized team will be sent to capture the Beam nation's mostly undefended hold on the island off the Galilean coast before they can reinforce it and use it as a staging ground.
The time has come to collect the fruits of our labour, we will join the war on the side of Kilburn and condemn the beam nation's hostile actions and explicit targeting of unarmed civilians. Our aerial rapid strike forces are to be deployed, they shall target the beam nation's ports, airbases, launchpads, power plants, armies, (military) industry and any other significant facilities. With this we aim to cripple their war effort before they can have the chance to respond.
That was fast, welp time for my orders then