Arbolio is a habitable planet around Helion 2.1ly away with an ozone atmosphere.Lead the first colonies away from Old Sol,engage in planetary warfare,and compete with other nations to gain full control of this distant world. (Max players:9)
kit237: That's a Phaoronian marines squad.
fire at the Fronian tank detachment (X165 Y303) from our cannons on the tops of the mountains
You know you can just put secret orders in messages thingy
kit237:The whole point of wides is to simulate as many wars as you want without having to deal with real consequences.In fact this war actually helped revive this wide.
please could you not?
cut off Kilburn's tank detachment from supplies, simultaneously destroying it (x139 y222). and then, I have to write as three people because I am fighting with three people, so I think this amount of action is justified. And then, the radial nation is simply gigantic. continue building what we were building before the war.
well, I DID, but I'm making it so that my people are discusted by the war.
VoidLord002: said the one who has not started his nationwide for a month XD
Hello VoidLord002. Arent you ashamed to fight against your ally in the past Nationwide? but it should be. After all, it was you who suggested that Kilburn start a war.
go focus on your save