Arbolio is a habitable planet around Helion 2.1ly away with an ozone atmosphere.Lead the first colonies away from Old Sol,engage in planetary warfare,and compete with other nations to gain full control of this distant world. (Max players:9)
The Zoarie's curse can't be escaped :(
a naval fleet will be dispaced from our west port town to guard the surrounding waters.
the already deployed naval fleet will conduct anti-sub opps around our waters.
Reinfocemnts and Tanks will be dispached to the Battle of the wall. Thre P-1's in orbit will be directed over the battle to conduct scout oporations and provide orbit-to-ground fire support. Atiliry shelling will continue and will expand to the East and West of the battle to prevent reinforcements.
But I get what you mean
Ah.... Well I think the most active people on here are roleplaying although to be honest I haven't seen your nation/s roleplaying that much.
aCreativeAndroid: Im talking about the fact that some people dont want to roleplay. Nationwide was originally intended for this purpose for roleplay, and the words "Nationwide was made to organize wars but without consequences" are simply (in my opinion) barbaric. I like precisely this duality in the Zoarie, when on the part of the people I am a hero, but in fact I do worse things than [deleted]
I dont really see where the "Homeless-killer style" is? But if you wish to leave thats your decision.
"both be better off if you join the Beam nation" -- Opinions.
Bye. I am not joining the beam nation anyway as It is entirely unrealistic and does not fit the current events on Arbolio and it never has.I just want a fun and interesting war with no ooc toxicity.