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26th Nov 2023
7th Dec 2023
Just a normal plutonium nuke with deuterium to accelerate the reaction. It uses C4 to increase pressure making the plutonium emit neutrons setting it off.
nuke plutonium bomb


  • Pj_13
    7th Dec 2023
    thanks, will try to do that
  • JoshuaWilliamFogarty
    3rd Dec 2023
    Since you used glass, the neutrons turned into photons, and thus were unable to accelerate the fisson. By the time the glass broke so that neutrons may enter without being turned into photons, it was already too late, and so gave a negligible (if even existent) boost. I recommend using GOLD or CRMC. They let neutrons pass through unimpeded.
  • CosmicCapybara
    3rd Dec 2023
    simple yet effective