9 / 1
14th Sep 2023
20th Sep 2023
Real HYGN->NBLE->CO2 TPT fusion, no DEUT used. Loosely based on tptQuantification's Helium bomb id:3037625
bomb fusion nuke thermonuclear


  • merlin538
    2nd Jul 2024
    very good for its size!
  • nobodyagain
    16th Dec 2023
    the issue with it is that no fission reaction can get hot enough, and that the pressure and tempurature would have to stay that high for a very long time, making this impossible :(
  • ErocTheFunn
    13th Dec 2023
    Very good
  • nobodyagain
    18th Nov 2023
    ok, lets say this could exist in the real world. the energy output from fusing hydrogen into helium is 1.5X the imput. so if this could exist in the real world the detonation would be more extreme than most nukes but leave only short-lived radioactive isotopes.
  • Jerehmia
    20th Sep 2023
    This version reduces the fizzling quite a lot (less than 1:30). About the -1: the downvoting because of peronal grudges/dislikes is killing the game. No matter how good the save is technically, you just need 1 or 2 downvotes in the first hour to keep it off the FP, and some people know and abuse this fact. I sat on id:2944844 for months before publishing it because someone was downvoting every new save I published and I didn't want to let it go to waste.
  • tptQuantification
    19th Sep 2023
    thats not a bad rate of success though, especially considering how finicky hygn can be. +1. -1's come out of nowhere, and thers been times where I specifically knew it was just because somebody didnt like me. I've been thinking of trimming saves for higher avg likes but meh
  • tptQuantification
    19th Sep 2023
    Nice! that works really well!
  • Jerehmia
    14th Sep 2023
    Because this design is ignited with a small fission bomb there is a risk the fission stage damages the fusion stage which then subsequently fizzles (just like real Teller-Ulam design nukes). The current design has a 1 in about 20 chance of fizzling, I've spent hours trying to reduce it but I tink it's impossible within the current dimensions (larger nukes are easier to control).
  • Jerehmia
    14th Sep 2023
    What? People -1 this while stuff like id:3036633 tht doesn't even work right lands on FP? I'll probably unpublish this soon.