This jet engine is based off the Pratt & Whitney F100. In the future I will turn this project into the entire plane. Turbo Fan Engine Go Brrrrrr
Love the new system!
is the engine supposed to rupture when I turn it on
its nice but this gives too little fuel for the fuel oxygen mix
have you tested this for an extended pereid of time
i think making the exhauste should be smaller so that fire stuck around the lit so the air and oil will get ignite without someone arm getting extremly pain by holding the button
Oma gat! it used diesel i remember modified the F-16 to make capture more air without the weakness of the old F-16 that cant capture air to fly
I can't seem to get it turned on, pressing the ignition button doesn't work and it eventually gets extinguished.
how do I turn on fuel and start it?
also lable your buttons
its only one lime use bc u used tnt. try making it more than just one time use