Inspired by the Excelsior class from Star Trek. (Still working on all the details and systems)
PRTO with hidden container with CLNE and PRTI are a pretty good alternative
@SkeletonNight Which one should i make? I have an NX-01.
please make the U.S.S Enterprize
I changed the phasers to be more destructive, but i think i may have made them too OP.
would you like to see my yorktown class starship? also i might add some actual weapons on it, also, YES PHASERZ go BRRRRR
nice ship
m o r e p h a s e r s
Interesting perspective! It makes me want to take some of my other starships and kitbash them some more :) At your suggestion, i added some target practice.
recommendations: MOAR phasers, the excelsior class had 26 phaser banks im pretty sure, and 2nd, perhaps you could add target ships
looks very similar to the excelsior class... its like the saucer section has been blended with an Oberth class hull... I kinda like it! +1