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24th Jul 2023
31st Oct 2023
All of the animal-like life found on Arbolio.Most fauna are similar to crustaceans found here on Earth with cells specially designed to breathe ozone instead of O2.The strider family is one of the most successful on the planet.


  • ThingamabobOverseer
    28th Sep 2023
    The first astronauts that landed in 2054 on the Starchaser-11 mission tried to stick a camera into a hopper tunnel,but ended up getting bitten by one,so the other 3 frantically tried to pull the little goober off but it took 2 minutes for it to let go of the poor guy's hand.
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    28th Sep 2023
    TeslaThePlasmaUser: You can pet a hopper but they will be quite angry and call on their buddies with their bioluminescent antenna and pheromones, trying to pet a strider is not a very good idea, especially if it's the 21 ft Goliath Strider,but you could ride one,their shells are quite hard but smooth like the hood of a car.
  • TeslaThePlasmaUser
    28th Sep 2023
    I want to pet it