You can use this machine to produce anthropomorphic animal templates.. No, I'm not a furry, for clarification, I just thought this would be something awesome to make.
me too
i laugh from the up/downvote ratio on saves with furries lmao
Tbh, I really don't get why people hate furries.
Imagine having so little of a personality that you still make "kill furry" jokes in 2023. Please become funny, and preferably grow up as well.
the first time the damned tuna got his words and actions right
I highly reccomend that you educate yourself, Mr_Hyperspace.
mr_hyperspace, it is well known in science that furries are a different species altogether, it has been known since 1995 when Lee K. discovered the species in California and Florida.
I like how this implies furrys are so biologically differant from humans they need to be comepletely restructured instead of just putting on a fursuit
wow the words of kolinski