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11th May 2023
5th July
I'll try to regularly answer tech questions here. Please only use the comment section for submitting questions.
tutorial help subframe filt ama computer 60hz electronics electric


    8th Nov 2023
    R4WLYX: Sorry for the late reply, I'm very busy with school and such right now. Well, that sort of seems to work. I don't think this approach is optimal though. I recommend beginning with more column design-like circuits. Mark2222 has a great save explaining transparent dtec called "Subframe Incrementor Tutorial" or something of the sort.
  • Zero5556
    6th Nov 2023
    I'm having trouble making a double dabble because it has to add 3 if the digit is greater than 5. Is there a simpler way?
  • R4WLYX
    5th Nov 2023
    Another problem it doesn't stop shifting even though it already has the answer
  • R4WLYX
    4th Nov 2023
    so i have never tried to make an adder but i finally made one which i know isn't optimal as it takes 29 "cycles" for 1 addition but i wan't to know how i can improve it and how do people usually make adders? here's the save id:3051845
    27th Oct 2023
    Svetlec: Bin to dec conversion to display an integer on a peripheral is usually done using an algorithm called "double dabble". There's alot of documentation about it on the Internet, but essentially it's just reading the number left to right, doubling if the next bit is 0, and doubling and adding 1 if the next bit is 1.
  • Svetlec
    26th Oct 2023
    is there a way to turn binary into decimal but BETTER and SMALLER?
    12th Sep 2023
    BlueLobsterTPT_MC: I'm guessing it outputs a lua command with all the particles with their coords.
    12th Sep 2023
    BlueLobsterTPT_MC: And how does it place the actual ingame particles? I can't imagine you place them all by hand haha.
  • LogikMacherDE
    11th Sep 2023
    meaby add as an bonus the number of interations per pixel and adjust ocean Y level or lava seas and ofc seed meaby more ill test it
  • LogikMacherDE
    11th Sep 2023
    If you wanna know how it works my file is gone sry but my terrain generator used math not rand generators to make the perlin and i filtered the negetive numbers and used like 1-856 be example stone then came the Y level to decided and it loped until the screens x was filled