41 / 5
15th Apr 2023
21st Jun 2023
re upload the main reason why people like my tanks it's because the explode like russian tanks so i made some changes 1- weaker turret interior 2- +3 ammo storages so now big boom 3-deleted cupola interior
ukraineisthebest littlebitofbomb kaboom explosive interior armored machine panzer warfare tank


  • rogerio
    2nd Aug 2023
    Wow looking at this it got alot of details for the time I made it
  • rogerio
    2nd Aug 2023
    I think I'll rework this little boy
    26th Jun 2023
    Mid German boi...
  • Kyrkovich-1tron
    22nd Apr 2023
    Endaro:"but who want just big weak full of explosive spaghetti" Me :)
  • Phoenix2k10
    21st Apr 2023
    Endaro: You're full of uselles "Iron spaghetti"
  • AverageOhioCitizen
    21st Apr 2023
  • VIBR
    20th Apr 2023
    re:Endaro tbf, tank design saves don't really need to be armoured. The insides are showing what the inside of the tank would look like. If you were to actually make this properly armoured but still destructable, you'd probably have to lose all of that. I might make an example to prove the point and make my own panzer 3, but this is fine, but the save is great.
  • rogerio
    20th Apr 2023
    id:2999961 endaro are u happy now?
  • fromazx
    20th Apr 2023
    endaro: come back when you have actualy made a tank save, Until then be quiet
  • Endaro
    20th Apr 2023
    fromazx: This is full of uselles "Iron spaghetti", very weak, too explosive and too big, also ik that all this "Iron spaghetti" is the interior copied from random image... But who want just big weak full of explosives spaghetti thickness tank? that's like a painting not more! that's too useless, the only using is explode or see the details. If u want good details watch some pictures on internet, or tpt arts, if u want nice explosive just search for an bomb! Better search a normal tank!