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20th Nov 2022
28th Nov 2022
Ya really thought Ivala-Ordeni was the capital planet? Nope, it's Nelarif. So here's everything about it. Also, it's technically a binary system. This will be an updated project. Tell me something to add and i'll add it. Please, just don't unpause.


  • EvonNoryoziki
    28th Nov 2022
    Also, Hydrogen can burn with an almost invisible blue flame, but only if it's deuterium. Wait what is the color of tritium flames then?
  • EvonNoryoziki
    28th Nov 2022
    Wait... That seems wrong. Convert N2 into O2 as in literally CONVERTING it to O2? Or as in taking in N2 and releasing O2?
  • Bluesix
    28th Nov 2022
    Color purple on ocean/rivers are sign of Bacteria lifes because Toxic Sulfurs and Bacteria mixed up can create Purple color and too much Bacteria can create 135 years or 120 or 60 years to make the Nitrogen gas into Oxygen gas because Bacteria can Convert Nitrogen gas into Oxygen gas.
  • Bluesix
    28th Nov 2022
    Hydrogen is Colorless no sign of color of that gas and if its ignite it will became purple, orange, pink, blue (depends how dense the color of it)
  • EvonNoryoziki
    23rd Nov 2022
    "Why is the sky and ocean purple?" Hydrogen/Water is blue, while Bromine is red, a mixture of both causes it to be purple. Simple color chemistry, no rocket science or dark physics to be found here.
  • EvonNoryoziki
    23rd Nov 2022
    "ITS 50C!!!" Well, most parts of the planet are habitable temperature, while some areas are infernos, 60-80C, bringing the average temp upward to 50C