303 / 6
22nd Oct 2022
22nd Oct 2022
We're on a super important mission to confiscate mysterious alien technology.
crewmate production electronic electronics factory iron filt crane fpga


  • LatteLace
    24th Oct 2022
    get out of my head get out of my head GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD
  • Jerehmia
    24th Oct 2022
    @SeymourG Lol not really, the aircraft was intended to look like a big shoe though.
  • SeymourG
    24th Oct 2022
    Is this intended to look like a massive toilet?
  • HbMinecraft
    24th Oct 2022
    the sus factory
  • RamenNoods
    24th Oct 2022
    Now someone make a molten iron amogus mold +1
  • AHAhuman
    24th Oct 2022
    that's desussination +1
  • Tjiosse
    24th Oct 2022
    Kinda sus ngl
  • Jerehmia
    24th Oct 2022
    @DoodleBro Only black deco is visible in the thumbnails. This was done to reduce the popularity of artwork-only saves.
  • DoodleBro
    24th Oct 2022
    another thing, i think when you're not in the save itself you see an outdated version with either partial deco or no deco at all
  • DoodleBro
    24th Oct 2022
    I was questioning why i hadn't commented on this yet but i just misremembered and only added a tag. Anywho, among us is almost the worst game for mods, as it is still highly memeable. It's just a very weird trait to also be full of mods, like it's absolutely shoving the fact that there's 2 entirely separate communities right up your nose which shows that the humanity is majorly screwed