17th Oct 2022
17th Oct 2022
This is a wall designed against azure bombs. This wall does use some more-cheaty elements, these are used because defending against azure bombs is hard. Devices are not allowed because they would easily destroy it. Have fun with the challenge!
I do have much less respect for this one as it's essentially mindless VIBR spam and open walls with nothing much else of interest, the OG used better things
Biggest debuff is the open walls, any ANAR I try to use just, leaves
I didn't ban everything; this wall is beatable. The restriction makes it a challenge. Banning nothing leads to boring, indestructible things with no challenge at all.
why ban of everthing
Well, it counts but also doesn't. It's impressive anyway though.
actually, doubt it counts for obvious reasons, but I'd have to bypass the particle limit to do a proper run
id:2960676 i think I made it? it uses gpmp
I believe I did it with id:2946059.
Can anyone complete it?
Tmp restricts what CONV will convert. CONV with a tmp will only convert one element.