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11th Oct 2022
24th Oct 2022
I was experimenting in a small box so B12345678/S12345678 doest lag so much and i discovered a strange paradox when surrounded with B3/S23: x274 y170


    11th May
    I got custom gol(s) from this
  • Liver_K
    11th Oct 2022
    Apparently there is a special rule in the code that if there are multpile GOL ruletypes adjacent to an empty space, then only the type with the majority of cells touching the space can spawn into it, and since there are three GOL cells toucing every open space that the CGOL is adjacent to, it will not grow into them, while the GOL will not expand into any of them because each of them has 4 neighbors already (it includes all ruletypes when counting this apparently)
  • Liver_K
    11th Oct 2022
    1) The CGOL itself is not a glitch, it is its behavior this save demonstrates that appears to be a glitch because the custom GOL type is not following the rule i set for it and 2) I did not think it would encase it, which is why I was surprised when it did. Also, jacob1 has already explained this behavior;
  • BunkerStrikerUA
    11th Oct 2022
    why would you think that custom gol you made is a glitch or that surrounding it with gol will incase it?