36 / 3
18th Sep 2022
18th Sep 2022
Looks nice in any view. With debounced on/off switch.
subframe lightsaber


  • VaughnP
    1st Nov 2022
  • TheCombustionChamber
    21st Sep 2022
    @VicA3 It won't.
  • VicA3
    20th Sep 2022
    I predict: TheCombustionChamber's plasmasaber will get fp
  • -EVA01-
    20th Sep 2022
    tonimark@ same bro, i did a solar panel and people want to see a ligh saber that doesnt even have that lot of prot, like i made one with 5 layers of cray
  • TheCombustionChamber
    20th Sep 2022
    Check out my lightsaber :3
  • Jerehmia
    19th Sep 2022
    @tonimark Technical saves like a UPS don't receive a lot of attention, probably because they don't look very flashy and a lot of people don't know what they are or how to operate them. Building a lightsaber might be somewhat technical but they look cool and everybody knows what they're supposed to do. You'll get to fp eventually if keep putting effort into your saves, don't worry.
  • tonimark
    19th Sep 2022
    ok well i also made a similar effort save of a battery backup but it didn't received much attetion compare to this save
  • Jerehmia
    19th Sep 2022
    @tonimark I made this yesterday and I did a few updates a few hours later. You can check this yourself, in the Open Simulation overview screen you can right click a save to open a context menu and click the View History option from there. Alternatively you can paste the following in the search bar to view this save's history "history:2934463".
  • tonimark
    19th Sep 2022
    wait how did this get in front page? it was in recent by dates a day ago!
  • NaroMatthew
    19th Sep 2022
    id:2747470 for my lightsabers