All my 'honeycomb' fusion devices. Feel free to add input.
What else would a hydrogen bomb use/fuse in powder toy?, lithium-detruide is not possible in the game, unless you figured it out.
Nor are they based on pausing (also cheating)
They work fine, I just refuse to use things like singuality and such. H-bomb=hydrgen bomb=fusion bombs.... Fuse is the best at tranfering heat to fuse without using (cheating), or altering the mechnics Doi... or using indesrtructable materiasl... if you have tried my others you would see. Or if you actually tried it yourself. Do you not know what an H-bomb or fusion is?
I really like the double explosions +1
they don't really work very well, also why is the deut life so low? and what's the point of using fuse? and hydrogen? what?