i see, anyways ubertachs have strike territory blacklisted from scouting sessions, and just in case the defenses still trigger them i whitelisted the defenses so the ubertachs wont get triggered at all
but, I see that 4 types of Tachbots you control, 2 types gone rogue, and 1 planned.
sentinels had to be sent to passively resist the Ubertach attacks.
we had some hyper-potent weaponry as defense for the sector, black hole cannons and singularity missles, and Sentinel hives worth hundreds of thousands of robots.
huh. It's strange that the Ubertachs would cross into Strike territory, it probably registered us as mere mechanic ruin until it saw our active defenses, aiming but holding fire.
were gonna assume the class 6 will cooperate as it would probably want to preserve its own life
from there we will have some small xetonian scout ships try to escape and hide from the trouble, everything else that remains after construction of the class 6 is finished will be used to fight alongside it
What happens when the class 6 tachbot is complete and activated?
indeed. our worst case scenario plan is using what we call the "awakening codes", a series of incredibly long and complicated signals. when apeira, the class 5 tachbot, detects "awakening code a", will wake up from its "hibernation" mode and will send "awakening code b" to the entirety of the xetonian galaxy. when our crafts and personnel recieve it, we will proceed to send all our resources to apeira, as it could construct the class 6 tachbot without much difficulty
@Pexy, do you have contingency plans to create and merge with a class 6 tachbot when the balance of power in TPTRP goes incredibly wrong?