36 / 1
26th Jul 2022
23rd Oct 2022
The next stage in Lithium Magazine technology. These cartridges are sort of a quantum leap ahead of the previous iterations. They're free to use, please enjoy. Special thanks to Bulletpoint for helping me fix a problem with these.
denderth lithium lith lithcartridge lithmag weaponry guns


  • bodester
    30th Jul 2022
    on the rifle
  • bodester
    30th Jul 2022
    am i crazy or can DLAY be lowered to 4
  • Omen4stako
    30th Jul 2022
    I like the consept of this weapon and its already very good but a version which would shoot first and then move to the next round could perhaps be more efficient allowing you to shoot right after you pull the trigger.
  • Denderth
    30th Jul 2022
    BOMB cartridges also have a different TMP2 to normal cartridge magazines, allowing the VIBR barrel attachment (Include the deleter part of it as that clears any BOMB residue in the barrel) to fire without any chance of detonation. Far as I know, the attachment still works.
  • Denderth
    30th Jul 2022
    @catpuller-222 You need to put the attachment onto the rifle first before loading the BOMB magazines. In essence, the attachment's designed to overlay over the barrel. Use CTRL-C and CTRL-V to copy paste the barrel attachment and then you need to paste it over the rifle barrel so that it's flush / aligned exactly. The attachment's bordered in BRAY so you know to copy paste everything within that border. Without the attachment's VIBR barrel, the BOMB will detonate the rifle.
  • kitsy
    29th Jul 2022
    the bomb cartridge explodes the gun when i use it on the rifle
  • Denderth
    29th Jul 2022
    The gun uses PSCN sparked ARAY like how a gun uses a firing pin to strike the primer on a cartridge. The Lithium cartridge basically uses heat from the aray to cool the ice down, which converts the ice to NSCN and completes the cartridge's circuit.
  • Denderth
    29th Jul 2022
    @oliverstr Yeah. In essence, the way the cartridge works is that you have a charged bit of LITH in said cartridge. LITH discharges with NSCN, but you generally can't control that without PSTN and such. So, with the cartridges, I put a pixel of ICE with a ctype of NSCN, which means that when it cools down, NSCN replaces the ICE, completing the cartridge's circuit, depleting the LITH and firing off a single round.
  • oliverstr
    29th Jul 2022
    they fire off because the snow melts right?
  • Kyrkovich-1tron
    29th Jul 2022
    -EVA01-: You're my friend but what you did there was a sh#t move and seeing that this save has 23 upvotes and 1 downvote im not sure if you really did upvote