Suggest things to be added to the map! Version 0.21: Added (Closer) Coastal Oceans
please fix my flag, thanks! ID:3142405
Gimm acus. Ur I do the World War 5 and kil IVEPKVALGBTQ++ alians.
99% of the map should be nuclear fallout from the amount of bombs on TPT.
This is dead, but if you could could (english at its finest, could x2) you add Cairlite in the sea-touching half of Aclus?
Yoo I just realized Aclus is there!
add "nothing" in a random spot
i remember teneiger10 in tptmp saying "now he's (me) becoming TRIlingual" because i know a small amount of russian. It feels weird being recognized as the filipino guy that speaks russian but in another universe it might be... that i am actually russian
technically,yes. you could end up fighting against a ioton formed by fish humans if you end up in the right universe.
Oh, so I could end up in a universe with opposite lore (Vooperia invading Bovines, not vise-versa)?
be aware of the danger you put yourself under each time you open up another passage to a new universe.