39 / 3
25th Jun 2022
31st Oct 2022
Explore, expand, establish trade, forge alliances and conquer the land, tell me your nation's starting coordinates, color and name. Starting age: Early medieval. I AM NO LONGER ACCEPTING NEW PLAYERS. View in fire display (4).
nationwide altinius wide nation country weapon multiplayer game maps world


  • Watboi1
    3rd Aug 2022
    Begin mass producing antibiotics and make sure they are available at every clinic for somewhat affordable pricing. Begin developing refrigeration. Develop trains and railways. Begin making plans for future train routes. Build more schools. Begin mass producing ceramics and porcelain. Begin increasing mechanization within agriculture. Begin increasing automation of weaving fabrics. Begin a mass colonization effort to areas specifically designated areas of value.
  • Vrigorix
    31st Jul 2022
    Continue to expand east, and also make efforts to take the western peninsula.
  • Vrigorix
    31st Jul 2022
    Host nationwide holidays based on native holidays throughout the year for each indeiginous group in the nation.
  • Vrigorix
    31st Jul 2022
    Pay small businesses large amounts of money so they can properly set up points across the nation. Start building factories for the production of commercial goods made by exceptionally large businesses, tax these exceptionally large businesses, create a set of rules businesses must abide by when dealing with employees, introduce lawsuits, perform routine check ups on these businesses to ensure working conditions are kept to standard.
  • Vrigorix
    31st Jul 2022
    Other: Tax civilians 30% of their earnings, and use these funds to improve living conditions and build infrastructure.
  • Vrigorix
    31st Jul 2022
    Agriculture: Make more farming areas. Infrastructure:Build more cities. Build sewage systems under major cities, introduce home bathrooms, and start researching effective water treatment techniques for the eventual recycling of the waste water. Resources: Start up mining bases in new land near the mountains.
  • Jayreeme
    31st Jul 2022
    hello . Alot of these close so fast
  • MrPineapple
    31st Jul 2022
    Watermills to grind things like grain, to make flour and other things that require crushed items easier to produce. Research kites and modernized bathrooms. Discourage slavery if it has not been outlawed, and if we have any slaves. Encourage fair treatment of workers and slaves (if they exist). Make penalties for those who do not fairly treat their workers. Send geologists to find coal and oil deposits, and research drills.
  • MrPineapple
    31st Jul 2022
    Continue researching better mechinical systems, such as hydraulics and better power transmission. Once steam power is finished being researched, put them into ships. Research electric dynamos and motors, and once both these and steam are done being researched, build steam powerplants and begin implementing electric lighting in houses. Research things like drywall, wooden house frames, bricks, and shingles, if not already done, and build more modern houses using these materials. Build wind and
  • MrPineapple
    31st Jul 2022
    Develop handcar/ pedal trains that do not require tracks and can be steered, sort of like cars or bikes. Recruit intelligent people, and have them work for the nation and instruct others on how they do what they specialize in, sort of like professors. Research antibiotics, vaccines, and surgery. Research steam power if not already being researched