39 / 3
25th Jun 2022
31st Oct 2022
Explore, expand, establish trade, forge alliances and conquer the land, tell me your nation's starting coordinates, color and name. Starting age: Early medieval. I AM NO LONGER ACCEPTING NEW PLAYERS. View in fire display (4).
nationwide altinius wide nation country weapon multiplayer game maps world


  • andres23
    5th Oct 2022
    sad no new players
  • Rubidianlabs
    25th Sep 2022
    This wide is not yet over and will be continiued around the end of october.
  • Rubidianlabs
    24th Sep 2022
    Shut up bantom you're not even in the wide so stop pestering me about it
  • superbantom
    15th Sep 2022
    this wide is unlikely to continue at a later date
  • LightningBMW
    12th Aug 2022
    you should probably put that in the description
  • superbantom
    10th Aug 2022
    rip wide
  • Rubidianlabs
    8th Aug 2022
    I should probably mention this wide is currently paused and will be continued at a later date.
  • LightningBMW
    7th Aug 2022
    Start trying to create explosives that can be used as mining charges and look for oil deposites underground. Look for ways to reinforce concrete, such as metal poles through it or a better mixture when creating it. Start looking into alloys and how to use them. Decrease tax in poorer districts further out, so it is easier to get into the middle districts but harder to get ito the richer ones, so most people can get out of poverty.
  • LightningBMW
    7th Aug 2022
    Make better mountaineering gear to expand into the mountains and eventually over it. Create large tunnel mines under the mountains for rare metals and create a tunnel through the mountain. Start researching steam power and gear systems to make trains and steam powered machinery. Set up a system for scientists to share their findings and iventions easier to help them invent things faster.
  • Umm
    3rd Aug 2022
    Begin manufacturing and using dynamite for mining. Send out scout ships along the coast and more land based exploration teams to find resources, fauna and flora. Work on increasing our industrial base. Work on improving sanitation even further and work on documenting how the human body works.