that was fro Vrigorix too
you are making clothing and you are upgrading your ships and ports. You are using names for troop amounts, you are hiring military leaders, you are making new swords and spears, you are rotating troop positions and stopping in civilian areas to improve morale.
@Vrigorix you are researching gunpowder and looking for sulfur, you are making furnaces hotter, you are trying to combat rust, you are making iron-tin alloys, you have made the area around the mountain a state, you have built road networks, you are researching magnets and electricity, you already have chains and gears, you now have clear glass, you are sending expeditions to the northeast of the colony.
You have also finished research on printing presses. note: these are not automatic printing presses, they still require human input and effort.
You are working on creating more efficient forges and furnaces, you are creating more and better tools for woodworking, forging and farming, increasing these job's efficiencies, you are increasing housing density in cities and improving the quality of life, you are increasing mine depth and size to increase output, you are opening up surface quarries which will use gunpowder for demolition.
@Umm you now have cannons and flintlock Rifles and are training soldiers on how to use said rifles, you have made a new ship for long voyages, they are being armed with cannons. You have created small gunpowder bombs encased in thin layers of iron to be used as grenades.
and with that i am not talking about order speed, i am talking about in-game progression.
I am speeding up the wide to about double the speed.