LHGN Liquid Hydrogen. Very cold, rocket fuel.
What about steel, made by bruning bmtl or brmt with coal or bcol. Fo the propreties, idk, i'm not physisist, oh, and as a too, is it too complicated to make a stacking too ? avoiding using commands, i want to make this myself, but i suck at coding lmao, oh, and big thank you for this save :3 +1
metallic hydrogen, produced by massive gravity and 0K with hygn, superconductor, stable except under low pressure and high temp, undergoes fusion upon decomosition, generates a static gravity field or heat
Heavy gas that is radioactive with gravitons, has a slow decay with random gravity particles, upon reaching critical mass and cascading, generates high pressures and temp, OR, Oxyg as a oxidizer
A solidified OIL-type element which can turn into COAL/BCOL when there is enough pressure, but becomes OIL/GAS in negative pressure.
DTRM, deuterium an isotope of hydrogen, created when hydrogen touches a neutron, when burned with oxygen it will burn like normal HYGN but instead of steam, it would create DEUT
SWRM ,Soap worm, appears when TRON touches Soap, when sees GOO it fastly flies to goo and digs into the goo, when sees stkm or stkm2, tries to eat it
SYMM yeah u put two of them apart to form a plane of symmetry and the game will try to build symetrically automatically across the plane