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Here to help ;)
I can come up with way more ideas in this vein since I love just sitting down and thinking for a while. If you or anyone ever needs help with stuff like that which requires coming up with a bunch of interactions between things, I'd be a happy thinker haha :)
Now do GEAR
FFLD is complete and now available for download! -- @AraiKuma That idea is quite unique! LPMR sounds a bit too difficult but ANTR could work.
ANTR Antrite, Pressure applied to the powder particles is reflected against it and multiplied. === ANTR particles trade kinetic energy when magnifying pressure (IE : The more pressure ANTR is subject to, the slower it travels). === Molten Antrite [520] decays quickly, dissipating into thin air and releasing huge ammounts of pressure. === ANTR is made when GRAV comes in contact with GRVT in a positive ratio (Each GRVT particle can transform multiple GRAV particles.)
LICD, liquid form of carbon dioxide (which does exist). can be formed by melting DRIC or cooling CO2 under heavy pressure
NITG, created from gently melting NICE, acts like NBLE but without conductivity
@Davidzilla LTRT (Liquid Tritium) is going to be in the next version of the mod at the request of the person who suggested tritium. -- @Aeiou_ There's another Lua mod that already does that kind of gravity simulation. I forget what it's called but you can probably find it.
LPMR Liquid Polymer, Is "self pouring", sticking together while it flows viscously. It can flow uphill if it is linked to a falling particle chain. It can get dragged by any other moving collidable particle. Does not stick to distilled water to make for fun interactions :)
RICE, stkm can eat for healing. 1 particle = +50 health It grows at 50 degrees. And its white.